Monday, January 3, 2011


So Christmas has come and gone and New Years has also. So what now? We make resolutions right? Well I made a few and I guess I'll lay them out. I mean they do work better if you write them down so here we go.
  1. Quit smoking.
So I used to smoke cigarettes a few years ago but got sick and dropped that like a bad habit! ha ha! Buuut in August I bought a two fur pack of strawberry swisher sweets for ozzfest. I was hooked and in denial. my favorite is grape swishers and they are tasty. But you don't inhale cigars right? Well not exactly. I would always catch the very end of the "drag". Not much but enough to let the nicotine grab hold.
Well it's been two days now and I get the urge to take a puff but cast the urge just as quickly as it entered my mind.

2. Release some weight.

Now I say release because when you lose something you tend to find it again. Find it again I do not want. So I sometimes tend to not give a shit as to how I look. Who do I have to impress? I'm married to a great wife and I have 4 wonderful kids. Why would I care what anybody else thinks when I have stability at home? I don't! But I'm not feeling well and that's really the point of life, right? To feel well? And I'm not. Sure when I think of my life, I'm well, but I couldn't run to save my life and I'm about to tap the keg that rest in the middle of my body! I'm becoming a tubby!

3. Prepare for Tobyhanna, Pa.

I have 3 bank accounts and you could add them together and I could probably buy a pack of those cigars I talked about in number 1! Is that sad or what?! I mean don't get me wrong, I have and do the things that I want and Christmas was not at all bad for the kids and my wife can whip up some killer food. We don't live in poverty at all, but should we or I have to say fly somewhere, forget it. So we'll get advanced pay to travel but that's not good enough. Yeah its enough but I want to raise my standards of our bank accounts!

So that's about the just of my New Years resolutions and I don't think that these are untouchable.
Just waiting for that billion dollar idea!

Be happy, be healthy, be well!

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